Multiple solutions in one digital platform

For Railway Carriers & Operators, Lessors, Producers.
Rail Forwarders, Industrial Companies, Workshops, and more.


Browse the catalog to find locomotives for rent or sale. Create a new offer to the market or send a request for needed assets.

Freight Wagons

Browse the catalog to find freight wagons for rent or sale. Create a new offer to the market or send a request for needed assets.

Passenger Wagons

Browse the catalog to find passenger wagons for rental or sale. Create a new offer to the market or send a request for needed assets.

Freight Rates

Request the transportation for your project and select from different solutions. Offer your price and transport solution as a railway undertaking or forwarder.

Train Capacities

Browse the catalog to add your locomotive or wagons to existing solutions. Offer free space on your train or utilise empty locomotive route.


Request the repair for your freight wagons and locomotives. Corrective repairs, preventive maintenance, mobile services etc. Offer your price and solution as a workshop.

RAILVIS is an independent, private-owned and fast-growing company with international coverage.

Multiple modules

Rental & Leasing, Buy & Sale and Operations. Locomotives, wagons, freight rates and workshops. Multiple functions, one platform.

Learn about our modules
Active community

Used by 300+ companies all across Europe. National & private rail carriers, rental companies, forwarders, producers and many others.

Platform that works

Offers and requests reach daily all potential companies across Europe. In average RAILVIS helps to process many transactions per day.

Supportive team

We have international team of colleagues speaking 6 different languages in total. We are here to help whenever needed.

Contact our team

Time is a money. No more loading. We've designed our platform with cutting-edge technologies to be blazing fast. Do things faster with happier colleagues.

Simple to use

We've build RAILVIS platform with to be intelligent yet very easy to use. This ensures fast and smooth adoption across your departments and teams.

Privacy & Security

Security and privacy is reflected in the very core of our platform since we believe that trust is a cornerstone of successful cooperation.

Start your digitization now

Contact us directly for more information or register yourself and one of our sales representatives will contact you. Full access to the platform is subject to a fee.

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