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  • 1 min read
  • 1203 days ago

RAILVIS.com - Ctirad Klimánek by the IBS congress in Bonn

Ctirad Klimánek, RAILVIS.com Managing Partner was one of the main speakers at IBS (International Rail Freight Business Association) congress in Bonn.

RAILVIS.com - Ctirad Klimánek by the IBS congress in Bonn

Ctirad Klimánek, RAILVIS.com Managing Partner was one of the main speakers at IBS (International Rail Freight Business Association) congress in Bonn. The main topic of the congress was: Digitization in European rail freight transport. Ctirad Klimánek presented successfuly both platforms – RAILVIS.com and RAILMARKET.com, where he aroused a lot of excitement and interest from the audience. 

Within the 25th Anniversary of IBS congress in Bonn, its long-time chairman Olaf Krüger bid farewell from the board of IBS in a festive atmosphere and handed over the reins to Michael Breuer, who was previously responsible for the area of digitalization on the board. At the same time, Olaf Krüger was presented with the certificate of ‘Honorary Chairman.’


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